Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A Return Visit....

Well, this week was AWESOME! My honey was able to come home last Friday and stay the entire week! It was so great! I've missed him so much and it was pure bliss going to bed together and having my snuggle buddy back. It was SO NICE rolling over in the morning and he was there. Lola and I were in heaven! As he left this morning, I couldn't help but be blue. That is the downside of this whole process. I look around the house and it just feels empty. Lola and I stare at each other like something big is missing... and it is! But, luckily he will be returning to us in December and we will have him until April!

This weekend we were able to catch up with some great friends. Hayden's study budies, including spouses (minus Jenny, Aaron and Mary :( ) got together for some Mexican food and laughter. I don't know if Mexican food just brings it out of ya (in more ways than one) but somehow we ended up laughing hysterically over a bowl movement conversation that only PA students could appreciate. Then the conversation quickly moved from bowl movements to throwing up. Thankfully, the seating hostess was wise and didn't place anyone around us. It was a great time, but it would have been even better if our other groupies could have attended. I love getting together with great friends.

Sunday, Uncle Hayden's true colors were obvious. Since Aunt Kelly was out of it with a terrible stomach ache and headache, he drove up to Syracuse to watch Lauren in her Primary Program. Of course, she was an all star and Pai slept on Uncle Hayden's lap the entire time. I felt terrible for not being there, but was so grateful for an amazing husband that honestly loves those girls as much as I do (well, almost :) ).

This week will be great as my parents are in town. Pop pop has some meetings so ya ya came along to see her kids and I'm sure to get started on her Christmas wish lists. She has so many now. And they keep getting bigger!!

An update on the baby- Kristin's doctor is going to start her December 8th. WE CAN'T WAIT to see our little muffin-head! We are almost there and Kristin is such a tropper! With all her responsibilites, two kids, in dance, and in school, church, work, play group, etc etc... she always manages to glow. We are so excited for our little package to arrive!

We are also counting down the days for Brooks' return. 4 weeks from today and we will be squeezing him! CRAZY! We can't wait to have our cowboy back!

That's it from us for now... pics to come!!!

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