Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

So sick of being sick!

So I am home again today (it's Saturday... Yipee) and I'm once again laying on the couch, wanting to die. I missed two days of work this week. I've had the sore throat, icky stomach, head cold for over a week now and I am so TIRED of it! Why is it, that I never get sick, but when I do, it decides to be my best friend and stick around for way too long! Uh, I'm hoping that three days of rest (I have Monday off work) will do the trick!

On another note... Hayden and Lola got into a little argument. I will be posting pics soon. Now, I'm telling you this in hopes that you won't blame Lola, because really it's not her fault. As some of you know... she is a princess with a capital P and has... well, somewhat of an attitude. It's actually one of the many things that Hayden and I adore about her. She is spunky and we like it. She's not a lame dog that just sits around and is boring. She loves to play, wrestle, and sometimes... she is a little feisty. But, she's never been aggressive. Once in a while, she snips when she isn't happy with you, but it's more like a friendly punch in the arm and not an actual sock in the face if you get my drift. Well, Hayden was laying on the couch and she was sleeping on the floor. Hayd wanted to cuddle so he picked her up, and she didn't like being disturbed while sleeping (just like her mother! My parents used to say they would have to wear a football helmet to come and wake me up). So, she growled a little, like she usually does, and then she snipped. Now, if she would have caught his hand or arm... I don't think it would have even left a mark... but she caught one of he plump full lips. The top left to be exact; and needless to say, we were in the ER getting 5 stitches. BUMMER! We were so distraught and couldn't figure it out. She has never been aggressive like that. So we decided it was high time we taught her who was boss. Now, rep remanding her has been harder on us than her but, we've read all about dominant dogs... and every personality trait listed is part of Lola's personality. We can't be mad at her because we let her run this house. So we've set up new rules... such as no sleeping on our bed anymore (it's terrible! We miss her being up there with us and coming to lick us on the cheek in the morning when she needs to pee!). We also make her sit and stay before we play with her. She has to follow us when we walk through a door instead of running ahead and being in charge... and those are just a few of the changes. Remarkably, we've seen a drastic difference. She is very submissive and has been acting a lot better.

Wow, I just realized how much I wrote about our dog. Yes, I will be the first to admit that she is like our child. But, we must admit that we just love her. So sorry for all you non-animal lovers reading this blog. But for those that understand our level of doggy-love... can you believe it? What else can we do? Any advice?
Hayden got his stitches out yesterday and it looks great. You can barely see anything. He has had such a HARD time rep remanding her. I pray that he will be stronger with our kids (especially if we have any daughters) or the discipline is going to be a one woman show I have a feeling!!! Oh- she is preparing us so well for parenthood. That's all I have for now. I will post the pics soon!

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