Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bailin' Hay!

My mom just keeps saying "And this was my daughter that was going to move to NYC and be a hairdresser!" Well, I got the hairdresser part done, but hey, Elmo is a close second to that loft-style apartment I once dreamt of in Greenwich Village... but I wouldn't trade this life for the world! Yee-haw!


Tanner and Kristin said...

You go, girl! These pictures just make me laugh. You're one tough chick-a-dee. So, that machine just cuts and hay and poops it out the back? Interesting. Very sophisticated equipment. Glad you don't have to cut and assemble by hand. Now that would be ENTERTAINING!

Angie said...

I would have never guessed you would be a tracter-farmer girl either from knowing you in High School. But in a way I'm jealous...I would love to live in the country. When I go home, I get enough of the farm smell to not miss living on an actual farm. I am so happy for you and Hayden. Life seems to be going great for you guys. And your darling Danzer looks just like his dad. He is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

It is funny how many people are jealous of a farm life. WE do have life pretty good here...makes it even better when you have good friends!

Skelley Family said...

Hey sista.....I think your tractor's sexy!!!!!! You are a babe on that thing. Thanks for the hay.

Ben & Kim said...

Yes! You are big time Kell. I think your tractor's sexy.