Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cleveland Days.... a couple weeks late

Cleveland Days this year was a blast! I can't believe how many people were there! The fireworks were, of course, awesome! It was amazing, laying on a blanket with my hubby, and our baby in between us and watching his expression. I will never forget it! Here are some pics from the day...
Danzer and mommy blowing kisses
Danzer giving mommy kisses
While I was taking a nap, Hayden took Danzer and got his face painted.... how cute is this??
Waiting for candy with cousin Kaicee
cute cousins! they love each other
hammin' it up for the camera! uh, i love that face!
war paint... by dad
sucking on rocks at the derby races. mmmmmmm
really, i can't get enough of this cute boy!
Danzer and mommy at the derby races. YEA!


Madison & John Johnson said...

Dang cute face painting there! ;)

Tatum said...

Alright, let's talk. Since I know you won't just give him to me, how about a joint custody arrangement? every other weekend? I want that boy!!!! Oh my goodness! Where did you get the Cleveland Rocks shirt? That was fabulous! What darling pictures! Yea for a Danzer fix!

Ben & Kim said...

You have a stinkin cutie! I love the face paint and i love Hayden for taking him. Being a Mommy is the best!!!

B-Ry, Tiff N The Mads said...

Kel!!! I'm dying over the picture of Danzer giving you a kiss! I LOVE IT!! You have got to put up more pictures of him. I demand it!!!