Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Man Tag.... You're It!

Man Tag! You're it! Copy all the questions and fill in your own answers!

1.How long have you been married? 3 Years 10 months
2.How long did you date? Oh heavens. Seriously not the questions to ask us. All together, about 4 months? But we've known each other for 22 years.
3.Who eats more sweets? Me for SURE! I am a sugar freak! Love it!
4.Who said I love you first? He did - most of you will be surprised to know this. But he really did. It was when we got together for the last time (when it really worked out!) and it was like the second time we hung out and he said "I really love you." I just thought he meant it as friends until he brought it up a few weeks later.
5.How old is he? 27 and so handsome
6.Who is taller? Me. He he. He had to stand on a 2 inch little box when we got our wedding pictures. Makes me laugh
7.Who is smarter? Depends. Book smarts- definitely him. Street smart- me for sure
8.Who can sing better? We are about the same. We can both carry a tune but lets not get carried away and try out for American Idol or anything.
9.Who does the laundry? We both do. He is so great at helping.
10.Who pays the bills? I do. It makes him crazy to handle our finances because we are so poor, so I just do it and its the best thing for our marriage. Out of sight, out of mind :)
11.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
12.Who mows the lawn? Yea, um, we've never owned a lawn. But it will be me this summer. He will mow (cut) hay and I'll mow the lawn.
13.Who cooks dinner? Me, unless Thai food is on the menu. He's such a good hubby and doesn't expect dinner at all, especially since we got pregnant, he's all good with a turkey sandwich.
14.Who drives? It's about 50/50. I have my dad's love of driving. And I like to be in control of the temp, music, and speed sometimes.
15.Who is more stubborn? It really depends on the subject matter. We've gotten really good and realizing what's really important and not dragging out our stubbornness
16.Who kissed who first? He kissed me. It was New Years Eve, the clock struck 12 and he just sat there as we watched his roommate kiss his girlfriend. Very odd. Then his roommate said "hey Hayden, why don't you ring in the New Year with a kiss!" I smiled and he bolted towards me like lighting, and ended up kissing my teeth because I was smiling. Odd first kiss... but he made up for it later that night :)
17.Who asked who out? We had actually stopped talking to each other for about 8 months. I started having all these weird dreams and talked to my sister about it. She said it was a sign that I needed to talk to him. So I called him with the intent of reading this nasty very strong worded letter about how bad he had broke my heart. So I called him, I read the letter, he said I love you. Go figure???
18.Who proposed? He did - at the top of Eva's hill overlooking Ferron and to a song called My Last Name by Dirks Bentley. Neither of us could see because we were crying so hard. It was AWESOME! Oh, and we were in the blue dodge, Hayden's high school truck which we packed full of memories in high school.
19.Who has more siblings? He does, by one.

OK, all my girl blogger friends... your IT!

1 comment:

The Steel's said...

Kelly, so I am up late being a nerd. I decided to do all the people I know "needs" need to type in Suzi is my mom's name. Hers are the best! I really can't stop laughing. I don't know if that is because I am sleepy or a big lamo!