Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Ollie

This blog is like my journal. Sometimes, it might contain some very personal things. This post is one of my very personal posts.

On Friday night, I was told the devastating news that my dear, sweet, spunky Grandma Ollie (Olive) has breast cancer. My world caved in. Everything got a little dim, fuzzy, confusing, and a rush of emotion came over. Extreme pain, fear, anxiety, sadness, and heartbreak to the point where I forgot to breath. How could this happen? Ollie is not like any other grandma, our family cannot keep up with her. Ollie's daily routine might consist of some water aerobics, a game of bridge with her girlfriends, volunteering, 9 holes of golf, playing the piano, reading, knitting, and telling you just how it is. She loves with her whole heart and soul but isn't afraid to tell you if you're being dumb. I love her so much for that. She's been to every dance recital, every school play, every graduation, every wedding, every birth, every blessing, and almost every single holiday. But she's also there on the tiniest events, which is the time I enjoy the most with her. A day of shopping, some lunch, or just an evening visit. She makes me laugh, cry, and feel extreme love and admiration for her. She's lost so much in her life. Her husband, her son, and many dear sweet friends in her life. But it never deters her to keep loving with all her heart. Ollie is so sassy and spunky and is more like a dear mother than a grandma. Her whole life is wrapped up in her family and you can feel how much she loves you by just sitting with her. Not one word would have to be exchanged (although this would never happen because she loves to chat) and you would know the deep love this woman has for you.

I just wanted to express some feelings of my dear Grandma and hope that some therapy and calmness will come over my soul. I'm praying so hard for her to fight this wretched disease because my baby, my family, and my heart needs her. My life would be so sad without her. Ollie, you will never read this, but I want you to know that you are irreplaceable. You are one of the VERY BEST things in my life. Someone that I cherish, adore, admire, and love beyond these silly words that I'm trying to explain with. My mind cannot translate the depth of love I have in my heart for you. I'm here for you, 100%, I will fight with you, hold your hand, make you laugh, and be a shoulder to cry on. Ollie, I love you.

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