Last weekend, we took the quickest trip of our lives to St. George to see our baby girl Kaicee get blessed. She has grown up so much! She is SO ADORABLE!! We passed around the poor girl like a hot potato! We couldn't get enough. Daine did such an amazing job. He is a wonderful daddy and Steph has settled right into motherhood. She amazes me. I hope I can be half as good! Here are some pics from the weekend...
Monday, July 21, 2008
A beautiful day, a beautiful blessing, a beautiful baby!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What I've been up to....
As you might have noticed... it's been a while since I've posted. I'm officially done with work (last Thursday was my last day) and I'm all settled with Hayden in the new digs. So what do you do when you don't work? I thought I would be bored out of mind, but actually, I'm wondering how the crap I got anything accomplished working full time. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, errands, family, farm, etc etc.... has been consuming my life and it's been so wonderful. I can't believe these words are coming out of my mouth, but I LOVE being a house wife. I totally thought I would feel like a waste of space, but I get so much satisfaction out of all that I'm getting done around the house and farm. It's wonderful.
Leaving work was very sad. I have made some very dear friends at Mazuma and I found myself sobbing as I said goodbye. It was very very hard. A big shout out to Tiffini, Marrissa, and Nancy if you're reading this. I miss you girls like crazy! It's been a wonderful move to Cleveland, and being home, and I wouldn't trade raising our babies for any job... I just miss my dear sweet girlfriends. It always surprises me how close you become to your co-workers. After all, you spend more time with them usually than with your family. Anyway, it's nice to be done with the back and forth schedule to SLC and to be settled at home. But I will think of "my tiff and roo" often and wonder what's new in their fabulous lives! (hint hint: you better email me!)
Baby Danzer is growing like a champ. I've had severe stretching and aching in my lower abdomen and sides. I'm growing so much and I might have to break down and buy maternity clothes. In fact, I know I will, I only have three pairs of pant that fit me now. So I'm off for some shopping!! Here is a pic of the "baby in the belly" as Paityn calls him. I can't wait to see our little guy and kiss him. P.S. did anyone else have nightmares that their baby came out hideously ugly? I know he will be so adorable, but Hayden and I are both freaked because within the last week we both had that same nightmare. I think I might drop into Fetal Fotos next week when I'm in SLC for my Dr. appointment to see his face. So weird! Anywho... that's all for now. Kelly
Cowboy (girl) Up Part II
I went and picked up our Lola at the groomer today. How cute is she? She is adjusting to country life quite well. Better than I hoped. She LOVES being outside, chasing the goats, barking at the cows, and she loves her new sis Molly. They get along so great! Here is a pic of Lola as a cowgirl:On another note, the other night we had a scare. Lola was shivering, like she had the chills, licking her jaws constantly (which she does right before she pukes) so I took her outside. She started eating the grass; not like a couple blades, she was going to town. Hayden says when dogs have bad stomach aches, something in the grass calms their stomach?? Anyway, then she was walking all funny like she was going to fall over. We were so nervous! I thought she was having a stroke. Hayden and I had serious fear in our eyes (I can't tell you how attached to her we are). Anyway, so Hayden decided to take her temperature. I stood back, gagging and laughing at the same time and I knew I had to take a picture. I think she is breaking us in for parenthood. Wow, the drastic things you will do when you love a dog! It's ridiculous. Anyway, we took her to the vet the next day and she is perfectly OK. He chalked it up to a really bad stomach ache. She's all better. WHEW! Here is a pic of Hayden's doctoring skills:
I still can't believe he took her temperature. Wow is all I have to say!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cowboy Up
So Hayden's little bro Brooks was born to be a cowboy. Everything that is required to be a real good ol' certified cowboy was installed on Brooks at birth. I haven't seen him in his real cowboy duds since his high school rodeo days (which I truly miss!). This weekend, he decided to enter the Huntington Heritage Days Rodeo. It's his first time since being back from the mission. As we tried to find him to take him his rope, I couldn't help but grin as I saw him strollin' over with a Pepsi in one hand and a grin on his face that said "Yea, this pretty much makes me the happiest guy in the world!" Here he is... ladies, please try to resist. On the other hand, if you are a young, single, LDS female with the aspiration to be a cowboy/farmer's wife, feel free to contact me for his digits. He he
To Make You Smile
I look at this picture and I just can't help but grin from ear to ear and my heart just flutters. She is my little angel! I wanted to share with you all so a smile would be added to your day! Couldn't you just kiss her?