Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Results Are In.... Drum Roll Please....

HE PASSED!!!! Early this morning, Hayden received a text from his email notifying him that he had received a new email from NCCPA and his test scores were in. He was out in the field tending water. I was cozy in bed reading Breaking Dawn when my phone rang. I answered and heard his panting voice "Get dressed, we gotta go to Jamie's (his aunt that lives in town where we check our email). Test scores are in!" I jumped out of bed, dressed, brushed teeth, and was in the car in about 1 minute! Lola was all pumped up as well! We sat patiently as the computer loaded... he was so nervous he was petting Lola a million miles a minute. The result: 89%!!!! YEA!!! It's official! We're so excited!! Go Hayden!!


B-Ry, Tiff N The Mads said...

Way to go Hayden!!! Or should I say Dr. Hayden? Ü Congrats! I couldn't be any happier for you guys! Woo woo!!!!

MaKayle said...

Yipee! Congrats! That's awesome!

Jenny said...

So, not a big surprise considering it is HAYDEN, but exciting just the same:) We love you guys, Jenny

Scottie and Tasha said...

Wahoo, congrats! That is so exciting. You did great!

Luke said...

Awesome!! Congraz guys!!

Brett and Chanel Giles Family said...

Congratulations what a huge accomplishment! And not to much longer and you will have another reason to celebrate you look so cute I can't believe you hiked all of that 8 mo pregnant I'm impressed!

Ashley said...

Congrats, that is awesome!!!

The Yoder's Five said...

YEEEEHAWW Cowboy (sorry, I couldn't resist). We are stoked for you! I am heaving a sympathetic sigh of relief.

Jeremiah and Cassidy said...

Congrats Hayden! You've definitely worked very hard for this!

Nick and Stacey said...

Yeah for Hayden, that has got to be such a relief! I love that you guys have a farm, how in the world did that happen?

Joel said...

That's my boy! Out tendin' the dadgum water when he finds out that he in fact really is one of the smartest brains in the country. Atta boy, Bling! Atta boy. Hope the water was tended to before you left and that all is okay with the H2O.