Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Pathetic...

How addicted I am to the internet! We haven't had the internet for a couple days and I feel like I've lost my cell phone or something! It's insane! How did I become so dependent on this stupid computer? Well, I am.... and I am SOOO glad to have it back!
We really haven't been up to much. Just the same ol' same ol'. Madison is home for the entire week for Spring Break and we couldn't be happier to see her! She's adorable! In fact, I'm baking her treats right now... in hopes that she will be lured home more often by my baking capabilities. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath:). Here are just a few cute pictures from me and my sister's birthday weekend. These kids are so cute! I love the first one of Lauren giggling so hard... I can just hear her laughing in my head. She has such a contagious laugh!

Here is Ollie teaching Lauren to knit! She picked it up in no time! When she got home, Ollie got her some knitting needles her size and she is going like crazy! She's so smart I tell ya!


Madison & John Johnson said...

The cupcakes were tasty! Thanks so much, that was so sweet of you! I'm going to go eat another one right now! Definitely one of the many bonuses of coming home!

alison said...
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