Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Monday, March 9, 2009

What is Blingy-Ville exactly??

I can't tell you how many times I get this question. So, I decided to explain it to you all. Our last name is Behling as you all know. No, NOT BAILEY, BEHLING. I got used to having to spell my last name the first day I was married. I thought it was pretty common, but everyone thinks you are saying Bailey. Anywho... so when Brooks was in High School we once followed him up to a rodeo in Tremonton. Where they wrongly pronounced "And up next is Brooks Bling from Emery High School" it was HILARIOUS and we laughed for ever. Then, when Hayden was in Grad School for some reason, they started calling him Blingy, short for Behling, and it must be because he is so flashy and all :). Then, when we bought our vast estate down here in Elmo, these same friends started calling it Blingy-Ville. Our own little town right here in Elmo. Anyway, so that's the story of Blingy-Ville. I REALLY want to get one of those ranch gate entrance things to our house, you know, they usually have the family's last name and a cow skull? Well, I want to get one with BLINGY-VILLE on it with lots of sparklies. Ha ha, I don't think Hayden will go for it :) Oh well, a girl can dream.


Jenny said...

How funny, I never even thought twice about Blingy-Ville--I guess b/c Blingy is usually always what I hear Joel call Hayden:)
Anyway, HOW am I so out of the loop? Does my husband forget to fill me in on everything? What adventure? I must know. Miss you guys too and so sorry that we couldn't get together when you were in town, it was just one of those craaaaazy days!

Amie said...

I must admit I was wondering what Blingy-Ville was. Good to know. :)

Sarah and Ken Cox said...


Cammie said...

AHHHH! So that's what it's all about! That makes a lot more sense now!! You NEED NEED a gate for your ranch.

P.s. isn't it funny how names you think are common {ie Behling in Emery County} aren't when you get out in the "real world"?

Nick and Stacey said...

So funny! I do think you should get a sign, that would be perfect! Hayden will just have to get used to it! It sounds like it is his fault you are called Blingy (not that it is a bad thing) Anyways so funny!

The Barton's said...

O I get it. Thanks for sharing. Now I won't feel like such an idiot. And thanks for saving me the embarassment of even asking! And about the gate...Hayden won't care. Remember the Lexipro...He won't mind at all. JK HA Just remind him of that small little detail and it will all be fine. Ha Sure love ya and Danz is such a cutie. Growing up i'll tell ya!