Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Baby Tag!

I'm over the tag thing... but I couldn't resist this one!!

1.Where were you when you first found out that you were pregnant? Our apartment, Paladio, Apt B102
2.Who was with you? Hayden, he was on the phone with his friend Joel and I was begging him to get off the phone!!
3.How did you find out that you were pregnant? Pregnancy test, actually 5 pregnancy tests... Hayden even took one because we were sure they were fibbing to us!
4.What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? There are no words to describe how excited we were. We also were very hesitant because we didn't believe it... we had been trying for so long and have kind of given up and started looking into adoption
5.Who was the first person you told? My family, the very next day. My parents just happened to be coming up to take my nieces skiing so we went up and told all of them and then we drove all night to Ferron to tell Hayden's mom and dad and showed up on their doorstep at midnight. They were really confused!
6.Did you plan to get pregnant? Yes yes yes, we wanted it so bad!
7.Did you tell everyone else right away? We waited to tell everyone after my 6 week appt. I was considered high risk, so after we saw the baby and the heartbeat we told everyone. It was really hard not to because everyone new we were seeing specialists and it was just too hard to lie.
8.Was everybody happy for you? More than happy, everyone was so awesome
9.Did you go out and celebrate? Yup! A steak dinner... that came up later that night. Love pregnancy!
10.Did you want to find out the sex? YES
11.What was the sex? A boy! We were so excited!
12.Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes, we had 4! Our friends and family spoiled us! My work surprised me with one, then I had one in SLC, one in Ferron, and Hayden's work threw us one too
13. Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew that you wouldn't put on your baby? No, but I did take a couple back because I got the same outfits. They were so adorable!
14.How much weight did you gain? 5 lbs. I only gained in my last month
15.Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Yes, but then I put it back on. We are going on a diet starting Jan 5!
16.Did you get any stretch marks? Nope
17.What did you crave the most? Ice Cream, to be specific, Thin Mint Brownie Shake from Dairy Queen. I made my sister go with me almost every night to get one!
18.Did you crave anything crazy? Toaster Strudels and Lean cuisine pizzas. Odd I know
19.Who or what got on your nerves? No one really, I was surprisingly chill during pregnancy
20.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope, thank goodness!
21.Where and when did you go into labor? I had been feeling pains all day but we were scheduled to be induced later on that night.
22.Did your water break? No, my Dr. did it at the hospital
23.Who drove you to the hospital? My Aunt Jamie! She's wonderful! She took me over to meet Hayden at work.
24.Who was in the room when you gave birth? Hayden, my mom and dad, my sister, and Jacki
25.Did you go early or late? A couple days early
26.How long were you in labor for? 16 hours. All of which I had to sit straight up
27.Did you have any drugs for the pain? Yes! But about an hour before I started pushing the epidural wore off and they had to re-dose it. Thank heavens it kicked in like 5 minutes before I started pushing. That one hour of feeling pains was hard!
28.Did you go natural or have a C-section? Natural thank goodness! They thought i might have to have a C-section because the baby had his hand on the top of his head. But they were able to push it down once I was fully dilated.
29.What was your first reaction after giving birth? I cried and cried and cried and smiled. It was amazing. No words can describe the way you feel the first time you hold your baby!
30.How big was the baby? 6lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long
31.Did your husband cry? Yes, it was amazing for us
32.What did you name the baby? Danzer Jack
33.Does her name have any significant meaning? Yes, Danzer is my maiden name. After my parents pass, there will be no more so we really wanted to pass the name on. Jack is after Hayden's grandpa whom we both adore.
34.Did you have any visitors? YES!!! lots.
35.Did he have any complications? Just his hand on his head.
36.How old is your baby today? 3 1/2 months. I can't believe how fast time flies!
37.When is the next one coming? When our Father in Heaven decides to send us another
38.If you could, would you do it all over again? In a second!
39.Tag five: Kristin, BreAnne, Cori, Tatum, and Mindy and whoever else!


radiantfitness said...

Hi Hayden and Kelly,
Because I have google kick back any references to my husband's family (the Danzers), I just HAD to comment when your blog entry popped up.

Girlfriend, you've got family all over--you just don't know us yet! There are several hundred Danzers in the USA, all of whom trace back to Germany/Austria (my husband has lots of the genealogy). In fact, there's a group of us "gathering" on facebook now, so when you are out of that new-baby exhaustion (I have 3 Danzer boys, myself, so I know how it is), look us up!
Congratulations to you both from a very distant cousin-in-law.

Lisa said...

Hey Kelly, I had to be a part of your tag, I couldn't resist it either, I wanted to tell some of my story! check it out if you want! I thought it was interesting to read!

The Yoder's Five said...

It makes me smile to still see how excited you guys are about being parents. You waited a LOOONNG time and I'm so happy that you've got that precious little boy!