Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our little champ...

Last night was Tragic. Capital T- Ragic! As we were trying to comfort our bug his weezing got so bad he was gasping for air. At 12:45am we loaded up and went to Price. We got to the clinic and got him some more breathing treatments, a pulse-ox meter, and oxygen. After a treatment, hooking up his big toe to the machine, and pumping him full the oxygen he FINALLY starting getting his oxygen above 90. We drove home, tucked him in and he slept like a log. Today has been full of breathing treatments and monitoring. We had an ozygen machine delivered to us and he has been doing SO much better. He was spunky, talkative, and laughing today. He still has a terrible cough and is sneezing like crazy, but he is much improved. Uh, what a huge relief to see. These pics are of him this morning all hooked up to his oxygen. I, on the other hand, am complelty exhausted. Four nights of no sleep, and battling a cold-sore throat myself has been hard. Mom- you are AMAZING! Thank you for coming over and taking such good care of me so I can take care of my son! You are a life saver and have such a giving heart. When you are in my home, it feels like everything will be OK. Thanks for letting me rest my head on your strong shoulders. xoxo- i love you WAMH! (my mom knows what that means:) ). The next picture I hope to post is of Danzer healthy and happy again! Pray for him!


Mindy said...

Kel, Oh my gosh, how scary I can't even imagine. Gage was like that but he was over a year and a half. I can't even imagine our babies. I hope all is going well, you guys are in my prayers. Love You!!!

The Steel's said...

Oh Kelly, I am sorry for you and your little guy. That is the absolute worst to see him sick. My little girl got it when she was a baby and I didn't even leave the house until she was three months. It is so contagious. Luckily you guys are so smart with it and took care of it early. And the modern medicine is amazing, even though that nebulizer thing is not fun. Good luck and get some rest. You are great mother.

things we love... said...

So Sorry to hear all of this!! You guys are in our prayers! Sick babies are so sad to watch; you feel helpless! Best wishes.I hope all starts to go up hill & soon!!! Love you!

The Skiby Family said...

Keep your head up! We will be thinking of you, sending you much love.

Amber said...

Kelly, I am so sorry to hear that. Seeing your little one hooked up to machines is the absolute worst, and so scary!! I have been there and can totally empathize with you. We will keep your little one in our prayers.

Brett and Chanel Giles Family said...

It is so hard to see your baby sick! I'm sure having Hayden around eases the worry. Hope you both are feeling better soon.

Nick and Stacey said...

Aren't moms the greatest! They always know what to do, and are always there when you really need them...not to mention you have a wonderful one! I am glad he finally got some sleep, poor little guy!

Ryan and Crystal said...

Kelly, Its good to hear from you. I remember meeting you at Cassie's wedding and Ryan telling me boating stories. I feel so bad for you and your little baby having RSV, my sister's little boy just had it as well. It is so scary. I wish the best and I hope Danzer gets feeling better soon! I just have to tell you that you are such a sweetheart of what you wrote on our blog. I told Ryan that I have only met you very briefly but I absolutely adore you and I want to get to know you more! I have loved looking at your blog and I'm so glad you found ours. We are doing well, we live right up by the U of U, going to school and working. I look forward to talking and getting to know you more, I will let Ryan know and hopefully I can get him on here to write a few words himself. Good luck with your sweet adorable baby!!