Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Friends and Visitors!

Want to see one of the happiest little boys on earth? Here he is at the airport when Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Brooks came last night....
This moment just made me cry. Wow.
Here we are at the Cheesecake Factory awaiting their arrival.
Danzer being a ham per the usual
He is just one dang cute kid!
Our amazing friends Tammy & John had a beautiful baby girl 3 weeks ago. Kendall is so perfect and such a sweet little babe. Here is Danzer getting some practice at being a big brother. I think he is going to do great!
Kendall's big brother Connor is Danzer's BFF. They are so cute together. He calls his little sister "Sweet baby K." Isn't she so cute?
We've been having so much fun having the Behlings here. They LOVE Junction and think it's such a cozy little town. I will fight and argue until I'm blue in the face that I have THE BEST in-laws in the world. Jacki spent her entire first day painting trim in our living room and Tracy and Brooks spent their day pimping out Hayden's new ride. It has been so awesome to have them in our home and to watch Danzer. He is on cloud 9 and won't let them out of his sight. So cute! Ya'll get down here and see us!


Aimee said...

Sounds like you guys are loving life, I'm so happy for you! Junction looks like a great little town, I'd love to try some of that BBQ. Hayden's new ride looks nice, and now ya'll will really fit in among all the Texans.

The Skiby Family said...

Made me cry too. What a great picture of Grandma and Danzer. He's just adorable!!!

whiteselfamily said...

I'm glad you guys are doing so well! You are so awesome Kel, I'm sad we didn't get together more while we lived by each other. It sounds like a fun adventure.

Ashley said...

Cool, I am glad that you had visitors, that was one of my favorite things about living out of state...awaiting visitors and family...or visiting family.