Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Eat your heart out HGTV

Most of you will find these pictures boring... but these are for our fams back in Utah that have been here to visit... we wanted to show you all the updates that my sister and parents did while they were here. Seriously.... a girl COULD NOT ASK for a better family. Thank you thank you for all your help!
Window treatments that my mom put up. Eventually the dresser in the next picture will be where the couch is:
My sister made these awesome tissue paper balls (eat your heart out Martha!) for baby Ellys. Her crib will go here soon...
The new light fixture in the bathroom. It was a chandelier and every time I would blow dry my hair my hands and round brush would smack into it. Apparently the previous owners were not 6 feet tall ;)
My mom and dad hung these curtains to block off the washer and dryer and hot water heater. Major improvement!
Ok seriously... my mom never ceases to amaze me. When we bought the house they had these ratty wooden stick like blinds in the windows that made the room so dark. She custom made these roman shades because the windows were so oddly sized. Then she hung my window treatments for me. Way to go ya ya!
We got a new book shelf and hung our Thai lotus picture. Yes, the picture frames are empty... I'm working on that. The lotus flower picture is made with real lotus flowers and then are hand painted. We shipped it home from Thailand.
My mom put this flower arrangement together for me. Once again, GO YA YA!
Yes, this is a picture of my kitchen sink. Gross to you probably. But HELLO... it now has a disposal. Poppies... you rock! One does not truly appreciate the beautiful hum of a disposal until they have lived without one!
My mom and dad also installed new track lights in the kitchen. The old ones had light bulbs that they don't make anymore. But these new ones are so much brighter and bring a special glow to our kitchen. Ha ha!
OK, you can only truly appreciate this if you had the chance to witness the DISASTER that used to reside in this closet. My mom spent a good 3 hours cleaning it out and organizing it. Say it with me folks... "GO YA YA!"
And I organized this closet. Go me!
And last but not least... Hayden painted our front door on Saturday. It used to be this ugly peach color (notice the screen door). We are going to paint the screen door the same color. Hayden also painted all the shutters on the house black. As soon as the screen door gets painted I will take pics of the outside of the house and post them.
There you have it. Home sweet home! Even sweeter when our families are inside. So ya'll get your butts back here ASAP! xoxo


Tanner and Kristin said...

Love, love, love all of the improvements. Thanks for the pics. Missing you guys like crazy. Love you! XOXO

Amie said...

I LOVE seeing home make-over pics and how fun to see what your talented family can make happen! I've always been amazed by you guys! I seriously want to make some of those tissue paper balls.

Madison & John Johnson said...

Way cute Kell! you guys are pro decoraters and I love the lotus pic

The Yoder's Five said...

WOW--you have some seriously talented parents (now I know where you get it from). That is so awesome that they helped you with so many projects while they were there to visit! Those window treatments are beautiful!!

PS. I love that picture in your last post of Danzer lounging in his diaper covered in chocolate.

B-Ry, Tiff N The Mads said...

Seriously, can I borrow your mom and sister ASAP? My house desperately needs help in the decorating department and I have ZERO creativity!

Amber said...

Your home is so cute!! I love all the decorations. So fun! Your mom is one talented lady.

Diann said...

I love your cute little house!!! I just wish it was in UTAH!!! So glad that you girls had a fun trip!! Now I want to come and visit Junction more than ever!!! Love Ya little mama!!!