Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My babies are so lucky.....

My kids are so lucky to have Kelly as their mama. I am amazed each day as I watch her lovingly care for their every need (and most of mine too). No matter what happens during the day, she just oozes love for these kids and I am so thankful for that. She has made the transition from my sugar mama/career woman while I was in school to our babies' mama so beautifully. I KNOW it's no easy job to be home with the little ones all day every day. I do not show my gratitude enough. I thank the Lord that I found a lady who does it so willingly and well. You should see the way Danzer looks at his mom; it melts my heart. When he drives his bike off the porch or falls out of the dining room window onto the patio below (yes, both have really happened while I was watching him) mom's hugs are all it takes to make it all better (for some reason mine just don't quite cut it). Our kids will be blessed for their entire lives because of the things they learn from spending their days at home with their wonderful, beautiful, amazing mom.



Tanner and Kristin said...

She IS an amazing mom! Sure love you, Kel! Happy Mother's Day.

B-Ry, Tiff N The Mads said...

Wow, Hayden! You made me cry! You need to teach Bryon a thing or two in public gratitude! Ü Kelly IS amazing! I look up to her so much! I miss you guys every day! Can't wait to see you guys!

The Yoder's Five said...

SO sweet! That is an awesome post and I know she is lucky to have you, too.

Lisa said...

that is such a sweet thing to say about Kelly! Always knew she was someone amazing!!

the Lola Letters said...

What a sweet tribute! And every word true - Kelly has always been compassionate, warm, and just downright amazing!

Nick and Stacey said...

Cute! And your house looks awesome! You guys are some talented girls! Love it all....perfect!