Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Birthday Girls!!

My best friend/sister and I were born 3 years and 364 days apart! My brithday is on the 14th and hers on the 15th. Throughout our years, we've always shared our birthday's together and I LOVE IT! It's so fun to celebrate together. Here are some pics of our birthday celebration at Ya Ya and Pop Pop's.

The Girls! (minus Roo and Ya Ya)

Lauren and Pai made this cake for us! They are amazing!

Here they are with their masterpiece!

We got em' all!


"Pai Pai"


Hope you enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Life As A Melchior said...

Happy Birthday Girl! Another year come and gone, huh! I hope you spoiled on your Valentine/Birthday!