Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pregnancy 101... I have A LOT to learn!

So, we are almost 9 weeks along. We are getting more and more excited and a little less nervous. Just a little. But ALL has been going really well. I've really lucked out and only experience sickness if I don't eat every 4 hours. But man, I am TIRED! I haven't ever been this tired in my life! I found myself asleep on my desk last week, drool on my file and all. EMBARRASSING! But, what can you do? So, I've been looking forward to this time of my life for so long and once it finally came I actually had a panic attack! I know NOTHING about being pregnant. Sure, my sister has been pregnant and I've heard much about it and I've had several friends experience it; But, until YOU are actually experiencing it you don't really realize what the human body is going through. Thank goodness for and or else I would be TOTALLY lost! I have to share this picture with you. These are all our pregnancy tests (even Hayden's). The lines are so light, you can't really see them, but I assure you, they are positive!


The Steel's said...

Yahoo..that is such great news for you guys. You will be the greatest mommy ever. That is hilarious your husband tried out the tests never know if they are really accurate. I am sorry you have been so tired, it will get better. How exciting that you have a sweet little baby in your belly. I am so happy for you guys and wish you the best of luck!

Life As A Melchior said...

I know what your going through hon, but not knowing about pregnacy is nothing next to the panic attack of an infant! Definately get The Baby Book, by Dr. Sears, it was a life saver at everything we experienced with Dylan. It is the BEST thing in the world to have that baby move around and depend on you!