Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Where has he been all my life?

Ok, you might think I am completely crazy and a complete idiot but I have been exposed. To Jack Johnson that is, for the first time this weekend. Seriously, have I been living in a cave or am I just stupid? Either way, I couldn't believe I have been missing out on years of such great music. Jamie, my aunt, busted it out this weekend as we moved into our house. I was instantly in love. I have a very soft spot for music. I love everything: oldies rock, alternative, rap, country, classical, blues, etc... but there are certain artists that I just happen to LOVE. For one, The Cranberries. Another, Sarah McLachlan. Now, Jack Johnson has topped my list. I must have every CD he has released. I'm on the quest.

On another note, yes, we moved in! Yes, it was the most fabulous weekend ever. First thing on Friday when I got down there, I put our much missed bed together and we spent our first night in our new home. We woke up, to each other and the sun and kisses from Lola. No alarm clock. Hayden rolled over and said "I could just hug our bed!" We sat on our back patio, in our swing, with our puppy, Jack Johnson in the back ground, and arms wrapped around each other. It was the biggest exhale my body has experienced in quite some time. I was so content. I could have sat there the entire morning. We got all our furniture in and a lot unpacked. I know I promised pics, but the house wasn't fully together and I want to give you the complete picture of our finalized masterpiece. She's a beaut!

This weekend, scouts honor, there will be pictures taken galore. Consider yourself warned! Love, us


Mindy said...

Yaaaa, That must have been some needed rest for a pregnant women, your body probably feels so good. I am glad you are here.

Cammie said...

What a relief to have your own home and your husband back! Congrats to Hayden on his graduation too!

The Yoder's Five said...

Yay! I'm so glad you got to move in. Good luck with the rest of your unpacking. I'm excited to see the finished product.

Jack Johnson did the soundtrack for the animated Curious George movie, by the way. Thanks to my daughter, we have that album and Mark listens to it all the time.

Bre.Sean.Blake said...
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Bre.Sean.Blake said...

I am sooooo happy for you...even though I will miss you TERRIBLY up here. I got a little teary eyed reading this because I know how LOOOONG these past few months have been for you. Love ya! Bre

Jenny said...

Oh yes, Jack Johnson. We actually got to see a couple of his shows when we lived in Hawaii--loved them! I played him a little too much after that and got burned out but I hear ya about lovin it. Yay for moving in!!!! Now you can nest, nest, nest. Love ya,Jen

the Lola Letters said...

Congrats on the move-in! Your first night/day in the new digs sounded fantastic, and The Cranberries...are you kidding me? Just reading that name brought back such great memories! Ha ha! I love them too, and I played their music TO DEATH in Jr. High (ask Bryan, he was a tortured soul across the hallway) My CD mysteriously disappeared one day... hmmm.... Anyway, Can't wait to see the final pics!