Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Growing So Big!

Danzer is growing up so fast! I hate it! But I love it too! He's recently discovered his toes! He loves them! Now, after baths, I just cover him up a little bit so he doesn't pee all over and let him play with his toes. He LOVES it! He squeals and talks to them. It's so funny!
He's also growing lots of hair! I love to get the gel out every morning and style it. Poor kid, I will be styling his hair the rest of his life. I can't help it! Isn't he so cute?!?!
I can't believe that he's almost 5 months old. He takes afternoon naps now and is ready for bed at 7:30. It's kind of nice that he's on a schedule now. Before, he would just take cat naps all day long and stay up until 9 or 10 which I really liked. But he's growing up and is liking the schedule thing. We decided to put rice cereal off for another month. He was gagging so much I just couldn't do it. After some great advice, I realized that if he doesn't start right at 4 months... it will be OK. He's just so fun!


B-Ry, Tiff N The Mads said...

What a freakin' doll! I just can't get over those adorable cheeks and big, beautiful eyes! He's definitely a keeper!

therobertsonfam said...

Oh my goodness, what a handsome little guy. I love the Mohawk hair. He looks like such a happy little guy !

Tatum said...

Is it just me or does he have the prettiest skin? What a sweet boy. Bravo, for getting him on a schedule so early and a 7:30 bed time....I'll be sending Paiton over next week for training;) I whole-heartedly support the use of product on his tiny hair...I did the same!

Tatum said...

P.S. About our childhood days...was there ever a time when we didn't have a dance routine on reserve in case we needed to perform on the fly? We were like Ross and Monica on Friends with The Routine. Oh the good old days, I do remember the lace-trimmed biker shorts and t-shirt clips and our big hair. Weren't we like the radest kids of all times?...I'm quite sure we wowed those old people with our crazy moves.

Life As A Melchior said...

Oh he's so cute Kel! I miss you and really need to see this guy before he's 18! :)

Nick and Stacey said...

He is such a darn cute little guy! Gotta love that smile! And look at all that hair ;)

Kelli said...

I can't believe he is 5 months either! He is so stinkin cute. Someday maybe we'll be lucky enough to see him in real life! We need to get on Grandma Doris about another Behling party, don't we?? I just want to squeeze those cheeks! And pictures just don't cut it!!