Another Beautiful Day In Blingy-Ville!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine Tag

I thought I would do this Valentine Tag with a little of my humor. Here I go....

answer and post your own so i can learn more about you and your significant other!

what are your middle names? John and Leslie

how long have you been together? Going on 5 years of marriage here folks.

how long did you know each other before you started dating? Good night... forever!

how old were each of you when you met? uh- 5- like I said... forever!

how old are each of you now? 28 big ones... holy hannah!

how tall are each of you? I'm a whopping 5'11" and he's 5'10". You'd think I would hate this, but no, I don't. I'm large, in charge, and I like it!

whose siblings do/did you see the most? Mine. Mostly because I can't get enough of my sister and her adorable babies. I wish Daine and Steph lived closer so we could see them, and basically, Brooks doesn't claim us ;)

do you have any children together? One studdly solid little chub-a-love Danzer Jack

what about pets? Lolers... we can't seem to give her away just yet. We just can't do it. We are going to... we just need time

did you go to the same school? Sure did. We graduated from the E-shizzle together (Emery High)

are you from the same hometown? Yea, we lived about 1 mile form each other. We are both lazy so we just married the kid next door

who is the smartest? Well, since I have an Associates and Cosmetology degree and he has his Masters I would definitely say me. HA!

who is the most sensitive? Oh freak, pass me my Lexapro would ya?

where do you eat out most as a couple? Good old Groggs, best beer in town ;)

where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Thailand... it was romantic, hot, and AMAZING! Best place on earth I'd say!

who has the worst temper? Again, pass me my Lexapro would ya so I can calm down.

who does/did the cooking? Me! Unless Hayd makes Thai food. You should watch him cook. He's got talent!

who is more social? Are you kidding me? Me for sure. Hayden HATES to make small talk

who is the neat-freak? I am. Ever since the baby... my house has to be in order or else I can't sleep. It's so friggin' wierd!

who hogs the bed? Neither. We are pretty good at keeping to our own quarters... except sometimes I hog the covers when I'm cold.

who wakes up earlier? Depends. If Danzer sleeps past Hayden... I get to sleep in. But if my puddin decides he wants to rise and shine a little earlier... than I do

how do you spend the holidays? We make it even stevens between both fams. They are GREAT!

who is more jealous? Since I am the trophy wife... I would say him

do you have little pet names for each other? Love Muffin and Hon

how long did it take to get serious? ALL OUR FRIGGIN' lives! Finally Hayden got the big picture and realized what an amazing catch I am. HA

who eats more? Him for sure! He can OWN a plate of food if he's not on a diet. It's amazing!

who sings better? Me, I sing like Mariah Carey. You should hear me, I've got serious talent :)

who’s older? Hayd, by 3 months

who does the dishes? He does. I cook, he cleans. It's a great deal!

who snores? neither, unless one of us has a cold

who’s better with the computer? Me. I have impressive spreadsheet skills from working at Mazuma. Hayden has serious spreadsheet issues. One time, he didn't do the formulas right and overpaid our bills by about 500 bucks. Let me tell you, that was a FUN two weeks! Wowza! I always check out his calculations before he pays bills. Then he got called as Ward Clerk. I think the Lord is telling him something here!

who drives when you are together? Depends. I like to drive, so we switch off

who kissed who first? He kissed me. After 20 long years of waiting, finally, he did it. Now that's patience ladies!

who has more tattoos? Still trying to figure out how I'm going to explain this one to the kids

who eats more sweets? We both LOVE sweets but you should see this girl eat ice cream when I'm pregnant!

are you two still a couple? Not sure. He hasn't come home for a couple days. Teasing! Of course we are... and will be for eternity! Love you babe!


Tanner and Kristin said...

Thanks for a few laughs so early in the morning. Seriously, isn't my baby much older than yours? Yet, we still can't seem to sleep through the night. HELLO?!? Anyway, the picture of the "studdly solid little chub-a-love Danzer Jack" in his bath towel is just too much for this Auntie to handle. Could he be any cuter? Give those cheeks some kisses from me! Can't wait to see you.

The Erickson Family said...

You are such a crack up! I love it! It makes me miss you so much! I havnt been home forever but when i do we will have to get together! When macie saw you pic on here she was like "we havnt seen kelly in a long time...we need too!" I still need to see your house! That little Danzer is to die for! What a cutie!

The Yoder's Five said...

You are so funny Kelly. I love to hear that I'm not the only girl that likes to be in charge...

Mindy said...

You are so stinking cute, and wow what a writer. Danzer is so handsome, he looks so happy and fun to be around.

alison said...

I love you! That was such a fun post to read! Cute pics of Danzer! He's such a good boy eating that rice cereal. Give him kisses for me!